Ever wonder why it's rich media companies who are screeching from the rooftops that Biden is old and needs to step down, while AOC, Bernie, and all the actual progressives are standing behind him?
This is a revolt of the ownership class against Biden's proposed tax hikes. Nothing more. And Leftists are falling for it hook line and sinker.
A lot of people on the left disagree with his policy on supporting Isreal on Gaza.
He's acts like a senile old man when he's communicating. Yes maybe he's still clear headed. But the low information voter who doesn't really pay attention to politics will see his saying "I trust my VP Trump" and automatically just vote for the person who doesn't seem like they belong in a nursing home.
Doesn't matter. Media will push their narrative, and sheep will eat it up. The media has literally doctored videos of Pelosi back when they were trying to push the "she's senile" narrative because they couldn't find any good clips of her saying dumb things.
Ask yourself why we have hundreds of articles on Biden yet none talking about the convicted felon, rapist, nuclear secret stealing, insurrection inciting traitor.