rear fingerprint reader was peak and I don't know why it went away.
with a rear reader I could grab my phone and it would be unlocked with an index finger before I've even lifted it to my face. it was all one smooth motion.
Now, I have to pull it out of my pocket, orient it correctly so my thumb can hit the correct part of the screen, half the time shake the phone or swipe up to wake up the screen to make the reader work consistently, then hold down my thumb for at least a second longer than I would have to with my rear reader.
Same. It was in the perfect spot, and worked 100% of the time for me.
The in-screen one on my Pixel 6 works maybe 50% of the time, and for whatever reason just hates my right thumb, the one it really needs to be able to read. Even with it saved 5 times.
I sort of had the opposite experience. My pixel 5's fingerprint reader worked about 20% of the time. It was so bad. I've actually had a much better experience with the Pixel 7's in-screen one. It's probably 90% successful. Before my Pixel 5, I had a OnePlus 6, and that one was like 99% successful.
Mine used to work somewhat. Then I got fed up with the errors when unlocking and deleted my finger prints. Now, I get bit with that known bug on Pixel 6 that won't let you register fingerprints (I tried again when I replaced the screen protector - even with no protector). I gave up on that fingerprint reader and 5G on this phone. It still works overall so I refuse to replace it for another year or two.
I bought a Pixel 5 two years ago for exactly that reason (fingerprint on the back) and its small size. I love this phone but honestly the fingerprint reader works 70-80% of the time depending on sweaty hands etc. and by now I wish it was on the front because it often lays on the table and I have to pick it up. It all has its pros and cons and I think an ultrasonic under the display is the best option (right after apples face id).
Never had issues with the Pixel 2 XL. The reader worked great. Even with stuff on my hands it would still work,eventually (2-3 tries). It picked up great with dry hands.