I’m getting married to the woman of my dreams and she’s been nothing but supportive of me (came out to her and myself like 3 years ago). So that’s the good. We have threesomes and everyone enjoys themselves.
The bad is that I don’t have any family or friends that are supportive. One of my very close friends all throughout uni got absolutely weirded out when I let it slip (despite her being pansexual herself) and basically ended our friendship. Lots of gay dudes I chat with want nothing to do with bi guys so there’s also a lil twinge of feeling othered.
I guess a societal double standard on women being bi vs men being bi. Maybe sprinkle some deep-seated homophobia for fun. Idk I just think weeners r fun.
I've been in these shoes, and I'm sorry you're dealing with it. Young people seem a lot more accepting of bi men in my experience, so my hope is that we're the last generation that has to deal with this.