If he cared about the country, he would've already stepped aside, but I don't see it happening. They're already trying to excuse his performance saying it was a cold, then saying it was the cold medicine. They're kinda stuck with him now, but it's their fault. They've been lying and covering for him the last 3 years so they might as well keep it goin.
Please don't assume that it's all Russian bot bullshit. Thursday night's "debate" performance was a catastrophe that affirmed a lot of people's worst fears, my own included. I just don't know how he wins after that, and if he can't win, then I'm sorry but it's time for an open convention.
Accusing criticism of Biden and his viability as a presidential candidate on "Russian bots" is purely a silencing tactic: a way of dismissing criticism rather than engaging with it by asserting a specific intent behind that criticism that reduces it to a tool of a foreign adversary as opposed to a genuine set of concerns by members of the electorate.
I've noticed most of the time on Lemmy/Reddit, every time someone says something that doesn't fit the narrative they just say it's a Russian bot. Everything gets tied back to Russia somehow