“You have a duty to demand the highest safety standards... and [ensure] that ‘speak up’ in fact means speak up, not shut up, as it is meant all too often.”
Fuck Snowden too, no respect for him running to Russia. If you think it's your moral obligation to break the law, you should be willing to take the consequences. You can't run off to an enemy state that does much worse things than what you were willing to break the law to expose. I have zero doubt Snowden is a traitor and gave Russia whatever they wanted. It's possible he started off well meaning, but I wouldn't be shocked if he did it for Russia all along. His original intentions don't matter now either way, he had a high clearance and Russia now knows everything he learned with that clearance beyond even the scope of his "whistleblowing".
Maybe don't throw your whistleblowers in a jail and let them rot for life, and you will avoid defections to another country.
Can you blame the guy to not want to die in a dark cell for showing the world that your own government is keeping a lot of tabs on you without your knowledge?
He tried to go to other countries, but none of them wanted to take him in except Russia because of what he knew.
So it's either die in a cell in the US, or live a somewhat free man in Russia.
The choice is clear.
So demand that your government do better and get behind the people that shows you how your government fucks you over.
There would have been a lot of pressure to get him released and would have kept what he revealed talked about and more pressure to end that as well. He's just a little removed that wanted to play hero and or a Russian agent.
I thought he was trying to go somewhere with no extradition treaty with the US and was laid over in Russia when his passport was suspended. It’s kind of outlined here but I could see how that could be concocted and I just want to believe he was better than a Russia mole.
He didnt run to russia you moron, his passport was canceled by the USA while he was in russia. And his only demand for giving himself up to the US and go to trial was that he was allowed a public interest defense.
FUCK THE USA. You are licking the boots of a surveillance state, and snowden has more backbone than your entire familytree
I mean, if I felt morally obliged to disclose illegal or immoral practices to the public, I'd be sure to run so somewhere they can't get me. If there aren't proper whistleblower protections, you gotta make your own.
I have noticed that if you say anything bad about snowden on reddit or now the Fediverse, you quickly get down-voted a lot. I am starting to think this is coordinated somehow.
It's not coordination when sheep decide to bleat the same thing based off headlines. Most people want to believe he wasn't a mole because that fits the little guy hero narrative better.
He could not have gained access from his position to the data compiled. His story on how he did doesn't add up to anyone with security clearance. The real way it was accomplished isn't going to be divulged either. The NSA isn't going to publicly explain whatever avenue was found.
This sheep has never seen anyone provide any kind of evidence for such claims.
Trust me bro isn't evidence. It doesn't mean you are wrong, it means you are a random person claiming to have inside knowledge but providing nothing but your word.