Skincare is one of those things I always feel like I should be better at (and that I'm failing as a girl because of it somehow). I'm lucky as my skin is fine really (I drink a lot of water) so I've never really done anything. Selfcare is something I struggle with generally so never found it worth the effort.
I'm thinking as I enter my thirties though I should. Just had a sheetmask and enjoyed it but I have no idea where to start generally in terms of it.
What's your skincare routine? Is it worth the effort/cost?
It's worth it IMO, not even necessarily for the benefits listed on a given container but how it makes me feel better when I do it. I can relate to your situation in the sense that I don't really have any skin concerns and self care wasn't a priority in that regard. Up until about a year or so ago (I'm in my mid 30s), I did nothing for my skin outside of washing it while I was in the shower and putting on body lotion.
As for my routine, I got into Asian skincare products like...two years ago and have settled on the following:
Banila Co Clean It Zero Revitalizing Balm
Pyunkang Yul Essence Toner
Pyunkang Yul Moisture Ampoule
Tony Moly WONDER Ceramide Mocchi Water Cream
Pyunkang Yul Balancing Gel
At night, I do the first four and replace the last one with Too Cool For School Pumpkin Sleeping Pack. FYI I have combo oily/dry skim and it's like a tank in the sense that of all the products I've tried to get to this routine, nothing bothers it.
Altogether, my routine costs around $100 and I buy it once, maybe twice a year.
I love the idea of having a routine in a way, think the act of going through it is the self care aspect I would like moreso than the result if that makes sense? Feel like it would help me sleep better too as it's a way of winding down for the evening
At the same time though when I'm having a depression relapse even remembering to brush my teeth can be hard, let alone anything else.
Can definitely see how people get into it though
The pumpkin thing looks cool! I have something similar that was given to me years ago that I've not used. I think I would probably forget to wash it off in the morning
The process of it can totally be self care. I used to love the Pumpkin Sleeping Pack too. A sleeping pack/mask can be great, particularly one that feels substantial on. Products with great sensorial aspects can be lovely to use.
Could you reformat your routine list? It's hard to tell where one product ends and the next starts lol, even as someone who recognizes most of the brands.