Hm... I don't know what I should feel about this article.
The author starts with a large AI generated image, which is pretty faux-pas in my opinion. Then they ramble about their own experiences with setting up an email server without giving too much info. But they are vocal about their beef with Google.
This seems more like a person trying to use open source solutions which have sloppy to no documentation than a balanced view on email as a whole.
I think the joke wooshed for you. This is satire on how people criticize the fediverse, but s/mastodon/email/g. The AI illustration is more of a signature feature of my blog, I write too much for human artists to have a reasonable turnaround time (it's not displacing a human job). The furry/anime stickers on the blog are all done with paid commissions though, so that is actually resulting in net human benefit.
I don't know how feel about the argument that we couldn't have kept with you or an AI, even if we tried. Like, it's kinda threatening, but in a weirdly funny way?