Trump is well known for publicly bullying his political rivals, but the former president’s campaign has also used similar tactics to launch private, relentless attacks against some of its own workers.
This woman has done so much work for many people who worked on the campaign. She has spent her own resources to get the NDAs that her and others signed declared non binding, or whatever the legal term is.
I'm not a fan of Trump supporters, but telling them to pound sand because they supported him at some point but have seen the errors in their ways will do us no favors.
If you stop being a fascist, you get a "good job, now roll up your sleeves and help undo the damage."
She helped empower the people who are harassing her (and countless others); I'm glad that she's working to reverse that, but she doesn't get a cookie for her efforts- she (hopefully) gets to live in a society that doesn't put up with this shit.
Back then, most people didn't understand the threat that was Trump. I sure didn't know all of the horrific things he did. This was pre Epstein. This was before Stormy.
I thought he was just a bombastic rich asshole with a shit political outlook.
Someone taking a job in that campaign had no reason to think it would be toxic. Most campaigns are not run by the candidate but by the party.
"Deserved" is a subjective qualifier though. It doesn't really mean anything without reference to an ethical framework for context.
Saying I deserve a doughnut, basically means I want a donut unless there's a specific context that alludes to why you should be rewarded with a doughnut.
I don't really think so, otherwise they probably would have said it. I think you're just utilizing loaded terminology to suit your argument.
It would be like seeing the guys from jackass injure themselves in a stunt, and then accusing people who witnessed it of being callous for not being sympathetic. "No one deserves to break their penis for entertainment purposes!"..... Well, okay, I guess that's a nice platitude. But that guy was swinging his dick at an angry bull, and no one was making him do it.
I am so tired of this prescriptive bullshit on online forms. If you don’t see it then fine, you don’t see it. But don’t make up some nonsense about me to pretend I didn’t read what I read. We just disagree, it’s that simple.
Sometimes people mean more than the words in front of you. It’s called nuance, implications, etc. People mean more than what they literally wrote sometimes. Yet for some reason when we are on forums people pretend that doesn’t exist, like interpretation can’t exist ever.
Well, this would be fine if you weren't attacking other people's interpretations.....
Usually when people witness a criticism they want to know the logic behind that criticism.
People mean more than what they literally wrote sometimes. Yet for some reason when we are on forums people pretend that doesn’t exist
I think that's because the whole point of forums is to express your ideas through the written word. Expecting people in a forum to interpret your argument with nuance when you express none is idiotic.
There's a difference in victim blaming via " what was she wearing" and someone knowingly walking into a lions den while wearing a meat dress like Lady Gag.
It would be a little different if she didn't actively work to empower a person whose platform revolves around harassing and silencing women who have been sexually assaulted.
Being a bad person does not mean you give up any assumption of basic human dignity.
People who take people's dignity in an inhumane manor do not themselves deserve to be treated with basic dignity. That's just inviting a paradox of abuse.
That's okay, people are allowed to have differing opinions. I was just curious about the extent of your world view. It seems to invite internal contradictions, or at least rely on a hefty amount of cognitive dissidence.
For example, if no one deserves that type of treatment, what does the person committing or enabling those acts deserve?
If they deserve a punishment, why not the one they laid upon others? Is it because of the nature of the treatment is somehow worse than other punishments? If it is worse for some reason, why do they deserve better treatment than what they serve to others?