The young man sporting the white mask and a white hoodie in widely shared video clips is Edan On, a local 18-year-old high school senior, his mother confirmed to CNN, though she later said he denies being at UCLA.
His mother must be so proud 🙄
“Edan went to bully the Palestinian students in the tents at UCLA and played the song that they played to the Nukhba terrorists in prison!” his mother boasted in Hebrew on Facebook, referencing Hamas. She circled an image of him that had been broadcast on the local news.
Both the mother and son are vile bloodthirsty xenophobes, the son is a criminal and meets the definition of a terrorist (though that's a nonsense word).
Your comment is far too close to calling for genocide though, which is not an acceptable response to injustice.
You know that apple seeds are related to the trees they fall from, right? And that that's the whole point of the expression "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree?"