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ErrantRoleplayer All pawn are actually female, because at most, they can only ever be Queens.
10 1 Replyeerongal
You can actually promote a pawn to any other piece as well (rook, bishop, knight, etc.), this is known as underpromotion. It's mostly a "why would you ever do that?" thing, though.
29 0 ReplyShadowAndFlame There are some situations where promoting to a Queen would result in a stalemate
24 0 Replynonailsleft Or to humiliate your opponent
11 0 Replydivineslayer Or possibly promoting to knight would give you checkmate where queen wouldn’t.
17 0 Reply
That's why they said "at most"
6 0 Reply
Lepsea The newest research on this topic found out that the "pawn" is actually hermaphrodite.
4 0 Replyexocrinous No, all pawns are trans. They can end up either as a queen or a knight.
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