Who is going to let another country investigate their Military during an ongoing war? Isreal has to be the one to provide the reports its not that unexpected or out of the ordinary.
I think the us values the billion dollar arms contracts over preserving the quality of this investigation. It sucks because Biden can't even be pressured with voting because the otherside has a worse stance.
You can pressure them 100% I'm not trying to stop you there. but I don't think many people are not voting or changing their votes over this issue. I think the dems know this and know they don't have to change their stance.
That's a fine attitude for penne ante stuff. But this is emergent and killing thousands of people right in front of us. We either pressure him or throw our values out the window anyways.
They should be forced to let independent investigators investigate whatever Israel like it or not. There is investigations in ukraine during the war. Not even russia allies would say russia should investigate themselves
Without US support Israel would cease to exist within a year, so the US can do whatever it pleases. Second, the investigation does not need to be performed by a military but can also be done by neutral observers.
I don't have any examples but I would change my stance if there were examples of countries letting others investigate their military in the middle of a war.
A bit different (since there was no war yet and it wasn't about the military) but after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo, Austria requested to send their own police to investigate the case around the "Black Hand" (the terror organisation that assassinated him).
It really isn't unusual for countries to deny foreign investigation.