Then you drink mustum instead. (I don't know the English name, only the Latin one.)
Mustum is basically a young wine; it's allowed to start fermentation, but then the fermentation is quickly stopped, before it develops any meaningful amount of alcohol.
Speaking as someone who grew up in an Irish Catholic house it still blows my mind a huge building full of people went up and drank out of the same cup.
Often churches which have the “common cup” use silver or gold chalices, which naturally have anti-microbial properties. They will also often turn the chalice after each user, and then wipe it with a cloth (sometimes soaked in strong alcohol) to cleanse it further.
For those who find this gross, many churches also offer individual cups.
There is a lot of variation here, some churches only do individual cups, some only do common cup.
Some wines are fined with micro wheat, and sealing barrels with wheat paste is traditional. Not sure how much it adds up to, though. Other than that, wine is always gluten free, unless you’re counting barley wine.