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Tygr If I pay to see a movie in an IMAX theater, this is the film being loaded? Is this normal for IMAX?
25 0 Replytrachemys No. This is called “15/70 Imax”. There are very very few theaters that have this. The “Imax” you’ll find at the local mall is totally different.
24 0 ReplySacredHeartAttack
I think the theater near Lincoln Center in NYC has this format. I saw 300 there, and something else but I can't remember what. It looks absolutely insane.
6 0 Replyserpentdrago Chekhovs_Gun Insane good or insane bad?
2 0 ReplySacredHeartAttack
Ha, sorry. I thought it was awesome.
3 0 Reply
zouden Was 300 actually filmed in IMAX?
1 0 Reply
Zpiritual Check out this list. The imax 70mm ones would be reels like this one.
18 0 Reply
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