Thank god my wholesome democracy would never do that over and over again for my entire life, otherwise I might have to think about who they tell me the bad guys are.
Also Ukraine is not a sovereign country. We stole their sovereignty ten years ago when we replaced their government with nazis.
The US is constantly and historically the ones propping up dictators all over the world. AND we have done it while people of those nations have either legitimately voted for the opposite, and/or were fighting for their freedom from colonial powers/dictators. We actively fund and create false narratives inside nations that we don't like to start color revolutions. We force other nations into backing brutal sanctions if they don't want us to go after them and to be allowed to trade with us. Our military is literally installed all over the globe, but we claim nations like China are somehow being "aggressive" for even patrolling their own areas. We create and groom evil and gaslight the world that we are somehow just allowed to police the globe. Fuck yourself.
The USA is a brutal dictatorship who invaded a sovereign country. What's the difference exactly? The USA has invaded someone more recently than Russia has, and they do it a lot more often. They're also more dictatorial and more brutal. The fact that the USA is mad at Iran for supporting their enemy is completely understandable. They're not being hypocrites, it's just mafia tactics and they're not ashamed of it. What's not understandable is you or anyone saying USA sending weapons to Ukraine and Iran sending weapons to Russia are somehow not equivalent.
To be clear, I am not at all justifying or forgiving the use of sanctions, it's a barbaric form of warfare that explicitly targets non-combatants, the USA should be ashamed and their leadership jailed.
I'm at Russia right now, I've been to Ukraine more than dozen times including twice to Crimea (Ukrainian at time of visit) and numerous times to Donbass (as Donetsk is literally hometown of my father). What's next? Have you ever been to one of the listed places yourself or are you just fantasizing from other side of the world?
Are their foreign interests not aligned with Global South countries against imperial core ones?
Russia has consistently supported the sovereignty of Global South countries like Syria and Venezuela against the US, host Palestinian meetings, and are a core part of BRICS. While Iran supports and funds Yemen, Palestine etc. There's a reason sentiment like this is common in third world countries.
If you were to divide the world into two camps, one with 1 milliard people and another with 7 milliard, and they wanted opposite things, would the 7 milliard group not represent most of the world? Now, I don't want you to dox yourself, but I ask rhetorically which camp the country you're from falls in.
Here's a map in case you're genuinely unsure. !
Do you think Russia does what it does for the greater good of these people? Isn't Russia doing basically what every other imperial power did since long time ago? Conquer or at least control, because they want to be imperial power too?
Sure, US ain't no saint, EU neither, nobody is basically. But for me personally Russia represent something worse than those mentioned before. Not regular russian people, I even have some in my family, but people in power. Those who turn one of the richest country (in terms of natural resources) into powerty to build their billion dollar mansions, yachts and other luxury, while regular people can count themself lucky if they have flushing toilet and asphalt road in their street.
If you want to know a bit of my background, I live in a country that was 40 years under USSR "occupation", so I'm obviously not a big fan...
I'm ok with downvotes, that's what free speech is for. At least I don't have to avoid passing around windows or drinking tea.
Do you think Russia does what it does for the greater good of these people?
No. It does not matter why they do something, they're doing it, and it benefits the 7 milliard people.
Isn’t Russia doing basically what every other imperial power did since long time ago? Conquer or at least control, because they want to be imperial power too?
What they're doing in Ukraine isn't imperialism, it's self defense. (Self defense doesn't automatically mean it's justified. As with all things there's appropriate response and degrees). Would they partake in imperialism if given an opportunity? Absolutely, it's a capitalist dictatorship, they don't have morals.
But for me personally Russia represent something worse than those mentioned before.
What do they represent? "Those who (exploit) rich countries () to build their billion dollar mansions ()" is the enemy of the global majority. Carefully consider the USA and the EU nations' track-record. Russia by contrast has only existed since the 90s.
If you want to know a bit of my background, I live in a country that was 40 years under USSR “occupation”, so I’m obviously not a big fan…
And has your country improved? Is employment more dignified and abundant, are more people educated, class differences smaller, is infrastructure and housing being built more rapidly?
At least I don’t have to avoid passing around windows or drinking tea.
The USSR directly funded and supported emancipatory movements against the US all over the world, like Vietnam, Cuba, Korea, Bangladesh, Palestinian resistance organizations like the PFLP, etc; even directly supplied wars against "israel" for that last one. Afganistan is about the only one where the US and USSR funding opposite sides turned it into a warzone instead.
Russia's foreign interests, even after the USSR's overthrow, have remained broadly aligned with Global South countries as I explained in my previous comment.
I count myself like one of the most of the world part
I do too, and hence critically support Russia and Iran's role in geopolitics.