How to drop files from Android to home server?
How to drop files from Android to home server?
I'm looking for an easy way to upload files from my Android smartphone to my home server. is there a - ideally dockerized - solution for that? Some simple web GUI where I can click on "Upload" and the files will be saved to a certain directory on my home server?
EDIT: I should've added that I want to do this remotely and not in my local network. I want to be able to send files from my Android smartphone from anywhere via the internet to my home server. That's why I thought about a services hosted on my server, which frontend I could access through my smartphone. But I might've answered my question already with the following:
EDIT #2: Thanks guys, I ended up creating my own Docker container running nextcloudcmd inspired by this: But I built the container from scratch and it's very minimalistic. I can publish it on my Gitlab when it's somewhat ready. Here's a little preview.
FROM alpine:latest
RUN apk update && apk add nextcloud-client
RUN chmod +x ./
VOLUME /data
CMD ./
nc. sh (How can I prevent automatic hyperlinking?)
while true
nextcloudcmd /data https://${username}:${passwort}@${nextcloud-domain}
sleep 300
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