This isnt the 1950s. Asking assholes to have some consideration, no matter how polite, is a good way to get dead.
Perhaps for you Americans.
I live literally in the worst area of my city in Finland, and I don't need to fear anything like that.
In my last apartment, my downstairs neighbour was a guy who had sat 14 years for 1st degree murder and he hustled meth. He was actually pretty chill, and I was never even the slightest bit worried about him.
I've driven a taxi on weekends and evenings, driving bikers from their clubhouses. One guy jumped in literally yelling "were gonna go kill people" into his phone "no I don't have any money" and whatnot. I didn't challenge him, thought it easier to just drive him where he wants to. Ended up going to his brother, who was a very normal family man, he talked the face tattooed biker down, then gave him money. It ended up being the best fare of my night.
All this because we have gun control. I really don't have to be afraid. I mean, I have been, several times, as a younger person. But at least here in Finland, you don't actually need to fear much more than perhaps getting a fist in the face.
So yeah, please tell me more about how hacking your possibly armed and unreasonable neighbour would be less upsetting to him than just asking them to? Or writing a polite letter?
Kids these days will do everything to avoid social interaction, honestly.
Waking up at 9, putting on some reggaeton for your morning routine isn't that unreasonable and if no-one complains, how would you know you're bothering someone? And if your BT speaker just cuts out, you'd definitely try to figure out why, and perhaps even try getting a new one, so hacking won't actually solve the issue.