My teeth make pretty good retainers. It seems like a weird nostalgia thing. There must be far more pop consumed in a bottle than in a fast food cup, and I've never seen anyone put a straw in a bottle (except on tv).
In some countries canned drinks are known to be unsanitary. Rodents would pee on cans and someone would rinse/wash the top (hopefully). You'd buy a can and get a straw because they don't scrub the little notch. You'd see yellow.
Or you know, food grade stainless steel straws. No bad chemicals, doesn't turn to mush (unless exposed to temperatures of 1,400 to 1,530 °C) and fully recyclable. Some people say they are hard to wash but ive never had a problem i just stick em vertical into the silverware holder of my dishwasher and it's always gotten all the way through the straw clean.
They are cheap to produce as well. Not plastic cheap maybe but businesses could easily replace plastic straws with them without going bankrupt or anything. Easy model is just have em as an optional extra so once people already have 8 they can just use their own lol
I usually just keep them in the center console of my car the ones I bought came with a little nice bamboo bag thing to keep them in. So I only keep them in my pocket when I know I'm going to use them and I haven't found them to be particularly annoying in the pocket personally could always just hang the bag off a belt loop if it really bothered me though
Yeah, silicone is in a weird spot where it's kinda a plastic and kinda rubber.
But that's less important because they aren't single use. You're going to use them time and again.
Same reason I never felt bad about buying the "single use" plastic grocery bags from Aldi that they've discontinued - I still have ones from my first visit to an Aldi that I continue to reuse.
Despite very limited usage, metal straws have caused major injuries including fatalities. Turns out having a metal stick pointed at all sorts of sensitive soft tissue is a risk.
Meanwhile, if using your own straw with a restaurants disposable cup, hardly helps since the cup is still being waste. If using it with reusable cups, it won't save you from any sanitation issues, since the drink is right in contact with the container. It may be useful for sanitation reasons with a can, but again, the can is disposable. Even if you recycle it, the coating on the inside and the paint on the outside probably are about as much as the plastic straw you spared.
Well, no, just I'm personally apprehensive. I can't find a story about someone getting killed while using a fork, I can find that about metal straws. I'd personally favor just drinking straight from a cup with my mouth, or a reusable flexible straw if the beverage were something like a milkshake.
Don't forget about reporting bias. You're more likely to find stories about Metal straw deaths because metal straws are not common. So when it does happen it's considered news, just like how you're going to see reports about almost every single EV fire and yet hundreds of cars Catch Fire every day and you almost never hear about that. Hell you've probably driven by a standard gasoline engine fire more than once in your life and thought very little of it
I was recently served a long macaroni as a straw in a restaurant. It was honestly amazing how well it worked! At no point it was mushy and there's nothing in it that I wouldn't eat with my pasta dish anyway.
They are good for some drinks but not great for others in my experience. They do get soggy after a few hours and start to dissolve a bit into the drink so if you use them at home and refill a few times over an evening they aren't great. They also react with some fizzy drinks and cause them to bubble over.