Wouldn't it be great if you could type out an article on your computer, push a couple of buttons, and have it appear on the web? No clunky page builders, no admin logins, and no mandatory updates. With the right setup for your website, this is possible. I wrote about …
Hey, just wanted to drop this here. It's a technical follow-up to The Unreasonable Effectiveness of Static Sites which was reasonably popular, and explains the components of a static site's stack.
Just last week I decided to try a different tech than I'm used to to run up a site. I did a little research then searched GitHub and found Hugo. I read the Hugo docs, followed their beginners guide and... Didn't get fucking anywhere. Their docs are out of date, the examples are out of date. It looked so promising but my brain works best when referencing examples and when I couldn't even get those to work, well, I don't have time for that these days.
If anyone knows another static site generator with up to date documentation and an easy to run up example please let me know.
Pros: Markdown, easy to use. Docs are very good. Also, despite being a a static site, it comes with fulltext site searching, all done locally, enabled by default:
I tried a few. Zola was the only one I got far enough with to actually get my site deployed.
Some of that might be that I learned stuff from my previous failures, but I really feel like the combination of the way it works and the Zola-specific themes are what worked for me.
That's interesting, Hugo is the only SSG I've had luck with so far. I'm kind of stuck on Docusaurus at work and it's a disaster.
On the face of things they're all so simple, but aren't documented well for users new to SSGs, and the build often spits out something unexpected with no way to figure out why.
I use zola for my sites. It's got not as many templates as hugo but my sites don't use templates and I found it very straightforward to use from scratch.