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best horror movie you've ever seen?

in need of some real good horror movies


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  • My favorite ones are, The Omen (1976), Tourist Trap (1979) and Halloween 3: Season of the Witch (1982).

    • Halloween III is such an outlier. I remember the first time watching it thinking that Meyers was going to eventually show and he didn't. The only thing Halloween III and the rest of the Halloween series have in common is they take place on Halloween.

      • This is because the Halloween series was originally intended to be an anthology-style thing where each movie was different, and the concepts which were going to link them together would just be Halloween itself and masks. But Halloween I did so well that they brought Michael back for the sequel. When installment III time came around, they made it without Michael and the audience didn't understand why. It also was not too well-received in general, so for part IV they brought Michael back again and called it The Return of Michael Myers.

        I personally think it's a great standalone movie, but I don't include it in the Halloween series and my collection reflects that.

        • This is because the Halloween series was originally intended to be an anthology-style thing

          I realize that, I watched it before Halloween IV came out, so in the moment it was a little strange it was like that. I like the movie, regardless that it doesn't follow the format of the other films. It's frightening, and eerie, and creepy. Good popcorn horror flick. I still would recommend!