The modern-day Catalan separatist project seems to be as much an astroturfed one funded by the Catalan bourgeoisie as any sort of grassroots one. Where are the actual socialists on this? And no, the socdem PSC doesn’t count.
The Spanish left, and the global left more generally, has observed with suspicion the rise of Catalan separatism, seeing it as a bourgeois, nationalist, divisive phenomenon. Even though the Left is sympathetic to the right of self-determination in principle, many distrust not only the corrupt and neoliberal leadership of Catalan separatist forces — as epitomized by the figure of Catalan president Artur Mas — but also feel that this will create more divisions for the popular classes and undermine the promising rise of Podemos.
No way. Catalan people did the 'procés' from ANC in 2012, until october 2017. Separatist leadership or Artur Mas were never corrupt, and Podemos was a spaniard political party.