Putting my thoughts here for feedback before sharing with larger forums. What is this communities opinion on saving and potentially rehosting (breaking copyright) of RPG blogs, posts, etc. in the potential event of that contents host going down? We’ve had a lot of talk here about the enshittificati...
This was posted to my forums and I thought it was an important enough topic to deserve more attention:
What is this communities (sic) opinion on saving and potentially rehosting (breaking copyright) of RPG blogs, posts, etc. in the potential event of that contents host going down?
Morally, the difference is for what purpose you rehost stuff. The great thing about archive.org is that it has a clear purpose of preservation. If someone does it on their homepage where they also sell other stuff, the purpose might be to increase traffic and sales, so the purpose becomes murky.
I mentioned archive.org on my reply in the forum. I've never tried saving something to the archive. Does it handle threaded forum style discussions well? That might be one complication for saving at least some sorts of things.
Yes, this is where some of the moral implications come in, because there is potentially profit motive if I'm selling a game system book, but I link to articles for inspiration appendix N style.