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RestrictedAccount As Gen X, this is hilarious.
They called us Gen X because they didn’t want to bother understanding what personality we might have as a group.
Then people started counting from there for the next generation’s placeholder names.
Y became millennials Z is zoomer, but I don’t think that’s going to stick. They may stay Z because they are X’s kids. Time will tell.
It’s not like the boomers were ever Generation W.
My point is that it doesn’t really matter. They will be the millennials’ kids and they will get a name.
16 0 ReplyClent The W stands for wankers.
12 0 Replyforrealthrowawa It's interesting how labels for generations are made both to understand them but also to avoid having to understand them and paint with broad strokes.
9 0 ReplyFedFer Parents can also have one child near the end of one generation and another at the beginning of the next one
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