I need to survive for 3 days without pooping, and eating as little as possible. I can pee, but not very often. It can't take up too much space. What food do I pack?
Please don't ask why I need this.
It would be great if the food also made me sweat less.
It has to be something I can easily find.
I am not planning on partaking in any illegal activities.
I do not condone the use of illegal substances and am not planning on smuggling anything anywhere.
I am not going on a hiking trip or mailing myself anywhere.
I will be staying in a tent (not a small one; a huge with with air conditioning and everything). I will be traveling for five days, returning to my current location on day 3 and traveling again on the last two days. I will not poop on the first three days (hopefully).
Clean toilets with all the expected facilities will be available to me. I am not going to poop for reasons that I wish to keep to myself.
If it gets bad, like really bad, like a-piece-of-poop-is-literally-halfway-out-my-ass bad, I will use the toilets.
Please stop asking because I am not telling anyone the reason.
It's a real thing, pilots of U2 spy planes that needed to fly for ~18 hours straight without any possibility of pooping, needed to be on a special diet for a few days before a mission.
What exactly it consisted of I don't know, but this is the internet, so I'm sure it can be found. I suspect mainly beef. Maybe jerky?
This person is for sure going to pack themselves onto a pallet for cheap LTL interstate transport or possibly descending to the Titanic in a questionable craft.
For real, ask on some aviation community or Reddit. You'll find real pilots with very specific experience.
My guess would still be beef jerky, plus it's light and doesn't spoil. Also I'd start asap, so you can still get empty before the "trip" and not have much inside left.
I just watched a movie(bad thriller) about hikers. They popped some pill before they started to climb to stop them from pooping. Wonder what it was and if pilots also take something besides just diet.
If it is that bad then probably better out than in, but you may need to be on a drip to avoid dangerous dehydration, so keep your doctor updated. Hope you recover soon!