I have a unique name, think John Doe, and I'm hoping to create a unique and "professional" looking email account like johndoe@gmail.com or john@doe.com. Since my name is common, all reasonable permutations are taken. I was considering purchasing a domain with something unique, then making personal family email accounts for john@mydoe.comjane@mydoe.com etc.
Consider that I'm starting from scratch (I am). Is there a preferred domain registrar, are GoDaddy or NameCheap good enough? Are there prebuilt services I can just point my domain to or do I need to spin up a VPS and install my own services? Are there concerns tying my accounts to a service that might go under or are some "too big to fail"?
I can expand what hangs off the domain later, but for now I just need a way to make my own email addresses and use them with the relative ease of Gmail or others. Thanks in advance!!
Purchase the domain with cloudflare, for email it depends how you use it:
With an email client like thunderbird:
A cheap service like mxroute is perfect
If you need to use a webmail:
You need to pay a lot because the free webmails are all unusable for advanced use.
Good options:
Zoho at $1 per user per month
Exchange with ovh at €3 per user per month
Bad options:
Google workspace at $10 per month per user plus the blood rights for your firstborn and pray that they don't alter the deal
proton pro at $9 per user per month but IMHO is extremely overrated for what they offer at their price point (unless you need end to end encryption when emailing other proton users)
+1 for own domain and some email hosting service. That also makes it pretty easy to switch providers because you can simply point your MX records etc. somewhere else - no need to change the actual email address.
I can also recommend mailbox.org as an alternative to mxroute, they're even a little cheaper at $3/month (mxroute is $49/year at minimum).