FREE ttrpg's? to play when bored, and im looking for suggestions.
So the only game ive played that isnt chess or monopoly, is dnd and i like it the thing is my family members dont want to play becasue its too complex and im trash with storys and planning.
it would help if there is a solo game or and easyier version-like dnd or something of that nature. do you know of any also what makes them good or worth checking out? linking links would also help if that is possible.
I've been playing a fair amount of Heroic Tales lately, and it has a Solo section and is available for free. It's a D6 dice pool system with two "kinds" of dice. You can have 1, 2, or 3 Check Dice (success is if any of them roll a 5 or a 6) then your character can get up to 6 Skill Dice (success if it rolls a 6) for a roll based on stats or gear. The difficulty of what you're attempting determines how many total successes you need from a roll. It also has a failing forward option where there can be partial or mixed successes, where you get some or all of what you wanted, but something goes wrong as well.
I've also heard a lot of people grab Iron Sworn and use the solo tables as the oracle to run any system in general solo!