It is restrictive by definition, but it's in the top 5 most common dietary restrictions, and it's a government program for forest firefighters, not a dinner party with your friend's boyfriend. Figure it out and make it work!
Eating healthily as a vegan, especially in a job that is very physical (thus requiring very careful management of protein) is quite a bit more restrictive.
That being said, the employer are fuckwits. They don't cook the food themselves; they very obviously cater. And caterers have catered (hah!) to vegans for decades now.
Maybe things are different today, but my old and limited experience is that during a fire, there were warehouses with pre-prepared pallets for x number of people with basic foods and equipment. Sometimes management would run to the local small town store and clean them out to send some fresh food to the line, but realize it was still a small town store with extremely limited selection/stock.
Let me clarify the 'warehouse' was in the local compound and was a glorified large shed. Staff went through everything every spring to confirm that all food stuffs were within date, and would be during the year. The blankets/sleeping bags were not chewed up by local mice, and that no equipment had gone missing since the previous year. Also anything mechanical was tested to ensure it would work.
And the foodstuffs were still catered (unless you were fed only MRIs or the like, and if you were, you have my condolences!). They contract out the foods and when that happens they also ask for X% kosher, Y% halal, Z% vegan, etc. based on the make-up of their crews. Or, rather, they should.
Because stored food can have labels. "Vegetarian meal" being a very common label on the side of catered, stored food.
How much do you want to bet that if they have Jewish firefighters there's kosher food available? Same thing. Same logistics. If they can cater to Jews (or Muslims (or Hindus (or Buddhists (or ...)))) they can cater to vegans. They chose not to cater to the vegan because there was no fantasy sky figure involved. And that makes them assholes.
Really, unless it causes a ridiculous rise in costs, they could just stock only vegan meals, which also fulfill the requirements for some of the religious restricted diets. If a non-vegan has to eat vegan meals, well, that might not be ideal for them, but as long as the meals are nutritionally adequate, it's much less of a problem than the reverse.
That's what happens when I request Kosher meals in the last decade or so on flights. Vegan satisfies Vegetarian, Kosher, Halal, etc. so Vegan meals for all special meal requests.
That is true that veg/seed oils are the most common, but a lot of places use animal-based mediums like duck fat and they shallow-fry instead.
I couldn't tell you if it actually tasted any better, but it's annoying as fuck when you look through the menu to find out you can only have fries for lunch, then when it's brought out the server says something like "...and our famous duck-fat fries. You like them so much it's all you wanted for lunch?"
Although Veganism is a laudable choice, especially considering how meat production contributes so disproportionately to climate change and ecosystem destruction, it is a personal choice and not a fundamental dietary restriction that limits what you can actually safely eat. While an employer should make reasonable allowances to allow you to meet your own personal restrictions, meals in the bush, well away from infrastructure, makes any such allowance that much more onerous for an employer to meet.
Don’t get me wrong, tho - I am not a corporatist. Nothing would have made me happier than the company being found at fault and getting nailed to the wall. Corporations will try to get away with everything they legally can, and a lot that they legally cannot, so long as no-one complains. But the legal ruling did follow the law, and the law was very clear.
I was vegan for a few years and from personal experiences I can say that eating meat/dairy after months/years of a strictly vegan diet will fuck you up gastrointestinally. Your body just doesn't have the same gut fauna anymore that was able to digest animal products. It would be hard to expect someone to fight a fire while they are experiencing cramps, bloating, and gastrointestinal distress.
Which is a fucking shame. The article says that the judge said the only reason he lost the case was because veganism has no deity. He practices his beliefs more sincerity and deeply than any Christian, but because there's no deity involved he gets shit.