The funding of extremists happened in the early 1980s, the articles you linked are largely discussing the fallout after the fact. The PLO and Fatah of the 80s were much different organizations from what existed in the late '00 early '10s.
I understand that. I said they got co-opted, not that they were always bad. The implication of the comment you were agreeing with is the Hamas is trash and we should support the Palestinian Authority is the most legitimate force for Palestine.
The implication of the comment you were agreeing with is the Hamas is trash and we should support the Palestinian Authority is the most legitimate force for Palestine.
That's a huge jump from what they said in the comment I replied too.
that is not what i said and that is not what i meant, i think Hamas is the only option for Palestinian liberation but i dont think we should be upholding them as any kind of a gold standard which seems to be a thing thats happening around here lately, my point was that we should have a more measured take on Hamas as an organization, maybe i didnt use the best words (tho i still think i did).
thanks, it was a good read, maybe i was wrong about Hamas. Tho i found the argument that a mosque can be just as revolutionary as a church humorous because a church cant be revolutionary.
Stupid brown people in the global south have no autonomy and can't possibly be revolutionary outside of what Karl Marx imagined. I am very smart and definitely not a patronizing racist.