Lol @ using that mental gymnastic to pretend you won an argument. People say don't feed the trolls but if nobody gave the monkeys peanuts they wouldn't dance like fools for our amusement.
Mental gymnastics? What are you even talking about? I got to call a stupid thing stupid and pissed an asshole idiot like you off which makes me happy. And now you’re pretending like there’s some sort of win on your end because you allowed me to rile you up? There’s definitely some sort of attempt at mental gymnastics going on here, but it’s from your end and it’s a massive failure.
Oh I’m definitely enjoying it. You’re even acknowledging that fact. You’re so close to figuring out what’s going on here, you just have all the roles switched up.
Also, for someone who was whining about me being mean, you sure are (trying to) come in hard with the personal attacks.
Lol what personal attacks? I don't know anything about you except that you clap your cymbals and dance to a guy playing a music box, like any well trained monkey on the street does. 🙉🎶🙊🎶🙈
I like how you asked “what personal attacks?” and then proceeded to repeat said personal attacks. Just because they’re not remotely clever or true doesn’t mean you’re not trying your hardest to make things personal. I’m dealing with an absolute genius here.