Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools
Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools Recognizing fake news now a required subject in California schools
In addition to identifying fake news, students will learn other media literacy skills, such as thinking critically about internet content.

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fully expect the entire right wing media aparatus to be demonizing this as something ridiculous as brainwashing kids against facts and truth, and "LIBERALS REQUIRE FORCED INDOCTRINATION TO MAKE KIDS ACCEPT THEIR LIES".
23 4 Replytlahtolli Or worse, they have the same sort of class, but opposite- one that teaches kids how to recognize "liberal" prose and teaches them to reject it.
2 0 ReplyA_Random_Idiot
And you know it will devolve into little more than literal nazi indoctrination, with hatred for trans, gays, jews, immigrants,etc.
3 1 Reply
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