I don't know how old you are, but I feel like younger people say this more often than older people.
As someone who saw the transition from 8-bit to 16-bit to 32/64-bit in their childhood, graphics were everything from the 80s until at least the 2000s. Each new generation was leaps and bounds better than the last; I remember the discussions in the playground being centered around nothing but graphics every time a new console was announced. Nobody talked about the games.
Nowadays we have incremental updates at best, so now people care less and less about graphics like they used to. Not me, though. I'm still a graphics slut and an absolute removed for path traced games. I'll play a game I don't enjoy if it has the latest in graphics tech.
I'm old and hold the opposite opinion. Those first few generational leaps were amazing. But I feel like we've long reached the point that almost any experience can be conveyed with impact.
I enjoy the new bells and whistles. But these incremental upgrades come coupled with skyrocketing costs, longer development times, and fewer risks. Indie gaming is still innovating of course, but I miss when AAA studios were churning out risky, unique titles.
Yeah but Rockstar won't using that they were using just standard animations so it's fine that they've come up with around animation system cuz they use their own engine.
I understand their reasoning... My point is why patent a locomotion style when no one gives a shit if the game is shit. I don't think a great looking walking animation is going to move the needle as to a game's sales.