Two months after the state of Florida formally apologized to Leonard Cure for the 16 years he lost following a wrongful conviction for armed robbery, authorities say he was fatally shot Monday by a sheriff’s deputy during a traffic stop just across the state line in Georgia.
“He and his family deserved better,” the Innocence Project of Florida said in a statement. “Lenny’s life mattered.”
Cure’s quest to rebuild his life after being wrongfully convicted in 2003 ended tragically on the shoulder of Interstate 95 in South Georgia on Monday morning.
On Wednesday, the Camden County, Georgia, sheriff’s office released body-worn and dash camera videos of the moments leading up to the shooting.
In the dash cam video, the deputy begins pursuing Cure with his sirens on after Cure’s vehicle passes his. The pursuit lasts about one minute and 20 seconds.
That doesn't prove that it isn't considered reckless driving. Excessive speeding is reckless driving. They haven't put an exact number to it and the statute is vague but this lawyers page tries listing some examples.
The link I provided is clear ... if on an interstate highway he'd had to have been going 35 mph over the speed limit for charges to be applied. He was going 30 mph over so he should have been issued a $500 ticket and a court date (as further fines could be assessed by a judge).
The cop murdered him with exactly zero cause. A classic #ACAB.
If 85mph counts as a super speeder, how do you think they view going 100mph? Also your link does say:
Depending on the circumstances, a speeding violation can lead to a "reckless driving" conviction.
It's not like not doing more than 34mph over exempts you from reckless driving when doing 100mph. No where does it say you have to be doing 35mph over for that.
He also fled and resisted arrest. Both arrestable offenses. If he would have promptly pulled over, it would almost certainly have been a citation at worst. He fled at 100 MPH for over a minute before finally pulling over. Also, how is an officer being choked out on the side of the highway defending himself with a taser, then a baton (while actively being strangled and bent nearly backwards), and only THEN a gun, "zero cause"?
Any fleeing is still fleeing. I don't understand why you think this was an unjustified shooting. He was putting every other driver at risk, refused lawful orders, and threatened the officer's life while saying "Yeah removed, yeah removed." Not exactly a paragon of humanity here.
But you didn't establish that he's a murdering son of a removed. Did you actually watch the video you posted? All of it? Cure wasn't "pulled over for speeding", that's insanely reductive to the facts. He was going over 100 and refused to pull over for over a minute for no clear reason. In addition, when he refused to obey lawful orders and allow himself to be placed under arrest, he further escalated the situation. When he attempted to inflict severe bodily harm on the officer while taunting him, I'd say the shooting is extremely justified, especially when you consider the fact that the officer only fired after deploying two separate non-lethal methods to subdue Cure. He didn't deserve to die for speeding. I'd say he somewhat deserved it when he attempted severe bodily harm on the officer, though.