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Pihole, Adguard home or blocky

Hey guys, I recently bought an orange pi zero 2 and, as the title suggests, I want to put an ad blocker on it. Those are the options. I also will put openvpn for external connection to my network. Does anyone have experience with them? What would you suggest?


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  • Used Pihole for years. Gave AdGaurd Home a try and never looked back.

    Every few months you'll have to fiddle with your Pihole config as an upgrade breaks it. Unbound is a whole separate beast. Refreshing the lists seem to take a lot of processing. You need a second instance, just because.

    AdGaurd Home just works. DNS over HTTPS and DoH for your upstream all built in. Upstream can be fail over or fastest response. Upgrades work in browser in a matter of seconds. And to date, has never fallen over (on the exact same hardware and OS as my Piholes).

    AdGaurd Home's service blocking, and Safe Search enforcement is a useful add on for kids devices too.

    You should really run 2 instances anyway, for fail over, so why not run one of each and decide for yourself which you prefer?