ive been using kodi (xbmc was better moniker) since google killed sagetv. i recall attempting plex, but it seemed to lack some open/extensibility (its been awhile).
i have a side project i want to make as a modular plugin generating a cable layout with original air orders and networks/channels... kodi seems most optimal, but ill admit its been a long while since i looked at plex.
My gripe with Jellyfin is that there isn't a functional app for my shitbox Toshiba Amazon TV. I'm open to alternatives but that's a must for me. Plex is also fairly user friendly which is important for sharing my library with my relatives.
A new shield is quite expensive... The Onn Google TV device from Walmart is $30 and does substantially the same things for most users. Or a Roku (whatever they call the cheap version) is pretty adequate if you're not into the Google TV/android thing.
I hate the shield, I mean I still use it but the shit with no ads and then getting riddled with ads pissed me off. Sure the CCWGTV whatever its cheap but the price I paid for my shields, it was not ok.
Jellyfin app is bad on android TV and being in bed with media conglomerates doesn't get in the way on plex imo. Open up my plex and there are no ads and the only two categories are TV and movies which I put there. I WILL switch to jelly, when their TV app gets more features.