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Bike Riders of lemmy, you okay with me riding my eScooter in the bike lane?

The sidewalks are really dangerous where I am, where they are super uneven, have "artistic" curves, and trees that are overhanging really low so like will hit my body.

I go max 15 MPH on my escooter and if I hear a ding ding I jump onto the sidewalk and go a bit slower until you guys pass, since I'm slower and can dismount easier it only makes sense for me to make room. I figure as long as I make room it "shouldn't" be a problem.

But just wondering if there are any bike riders that are just like shaking their fist at escooter riders.



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  • Reading the comments I think I’m in the minority but you did ask so I’ll be candid and honest. I’ll also try my best to be respectful.

    E-bikes and e-scooters drive me nuts. They can definitely be an annoyance, and sometimes a safety concern in bike lanes due to the fact that most riders of these electric machines are new to riding on the road, but that’s not even what makes me upset.

    I just don’t get why people don’t invest in a good, correctly fitted bicycle. They are cheaper (often by an order of magnitude or two), easy to maintain, keep you healthy, use standardized, readily available parts, will never go obsolete, don’t need a charger, don’t contribute to e-waste, and are completely ubiquitous. I just don’t get why people don’t ride bikes. They are so amazing! Ever since I was a kid I have been completely obsessed, and now well into my thirties I am still a total nerd about bikes. I don’t think there is anything better than a good bike ride.

    The part that confuses me the most about e-bikes is the serviceability. Who is fixing these things? All of the bike mechanic/nerd friends of mine won’t touch them with a 10 foot pole. Do bike mechanics now have to familiarize themselves with high voltage lithium ion batteries? Is there a standard for these batteries? If a manufacturer decides to go proprietary, and then decide to stop making e-bikes, or goes bankrupt, is your e-bike now e-waste? The whole thing makes me confused as to why we tried to fix a problem that was not a problem. Bikes just work.

    I think a lot of people have bad experiences riding bikes because their last experience was with an uncomfortable, poorly sized, heavy bike. But the feeling of riding a light, correctly sized, comfortable bike is truly divine. In my opinion it’s on par with good sex.

    BTW - of course there is a good reason for some seniors or people with disabilities to use something like this, but that is not the target that I am referring to.

    So when I see an e-bike or an e-scooter I get upset on principle. And then when they do something dangerous like speed past me or ride the wrong direction in a bike lane I become infuriated. But maybe the world is changing and I should to. But I tell you what I am not ready for bikes to be replaced with e-bikes.