The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, everyone 🤦
The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, everyone 🤦

We're all in on the culture war now
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queermunist she/her
The most oppressed people on Earth: motorists 😂
365 6 ReplyRandom Dent I read that in Jeremy Clarkson's voice lol
105 0 Replyjonne It's like they just let Jeremy Clarkson write this pamphlet.
46 0 ReplySwedneck
finding this clip of frankie boyle shitting on clarkson made my life qualitatively better
21 0 Replyscubbo My friend, that's positively milquetoast in comparison to Stewart Lee.
23 0 ReplyRetiring
That was brilliant. And I loved it.
7 0 Replyusernamesaredifficul [he/him] clarkson is just a shithead kid who's somehow an adult. He has the views and humour of a particularly obnoxious teenager
7 0 ReplyKuori [she/her]
growing up and getting older are two entirely separate processes tbh
5 0 Reply
h3doublehockeysticks [she/her] Shout out to Frankie Boyle who decided that the important thing to pursue literally in the middle of Israel gunning down protesters with machine guns and the labour right openly sabotaging their own platform was Corbyn's antisemitism. Frankie Boyle is a fucking coward, and I would say that to his face.
17 3 Reply
apres_le_gris Truly more oppressed than g*mers 😔
21 2 ReplyUlyssesT [he/him] Carbrains certainly feel that way when they are menaced by the sight of someone on a bicycle.
18 2 ReplyPuddingFeeling [she/her]
Same goes for carnists lol
20 5 ReplyStringTheory What’s a carnist?
1 0 ReplyPuddingFeeling [she/her]
A person who is on an omnivore diet.
2 0 ReplyStringTheory Thanks, I hadn’t seen that word before and had assumed it had something to do with cars (car-nist).
2 0 Reply