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  • Dangit. I might need to call in for paid sick leave without wasting any paid days off and have a doctor check me out without seeing any invoices after that blow

    • Dude. Just let us have this.

      • I will gladly let you have everything I have and more. I think you deserve the things I have. So I would do you a disservice, if I let you have a hollow victory that'll just lull you into a false sense of "this is fine".

    • Only if I'm willing to wake up at the crack of dawn to register myself onto the waiting list behind every other bugger in the city.

      • Jokes aside: the waiting times in most of Europe are fractionally longer than in the US and that is mainly because more people have access to more medical aid in the first place. It's easy to get fast appointments if the percentage of the population actually trying to get them is way smaller and that's not a good thing come to think of it.

        Besides: a doctor's appointment at a general practitioner is usually on the same day, in rare cases on the next. So you will always have quick access to a doctor if you need one, ER care and such nit taken into account, because those exist as well of course.