we shouldn't promote individual responsibility instead of corporate accountability. we should promote individual responsibility because it leads to corporate accountability
Not my OC but what I've believed for years: there's no conflict between reducing your own environmental impact and holding corporations responsible. We hold corps responsible for the environment by creating a societal ethos of environmental responsibility that forces corporations to serve the people's needs or go bankrupt or be outlawed. And anyone who feels that kind of ethos will reduce their own environmental impact because it's the right thing to do.
I don't think the mass' social ethos led to transitioning to LED light bulbs e..g. I read of people complaining that their right to buy incandescent bulbs was being stripped from them! Funny, right? I don't mean to say there's no relation between social ethos and corporate actions, but if I could twist sombody's arm - or nonviolently affect their dicision making process - it would be the agent of government responsible for legislating relevent laws. Long-established governments DO have the power - unless they have, effectively or literally, sold it to corporate interests.