More than 900 people have died this year from the mosquito-borne virus, whose spread has brought rural residents to already overwhelmed hospitals in the capital, Dhaka.
Last week, the W.H.O. said a combination of factors, including climate change, had contributed to the rise of dengue cases around the world, with millions of people infected.
The warming planet has worsened weather patterns in South Asia, resulting in monsoon seasons that are wetter and hotter — conditions that create a favorable breeding environment for the Aedes mosquitoes that carry the virus.
The WHO announcement appears to have been last month, rather than last week.
É um problema recorrente aqui no Brasil. Parece que o melhor a se fazer é conscientizar a população mesmo sobre não deixar água parada, usar sempre cremes e pulseiras de citronela e, em caso de contaminação, tomar bastante água, isotônicos e comer bem