Excited and have been reading a ton here and elsewhere, the sale just pushed me into finally getting one.
I have a pretty decent gaming PC so curious to try out remote play. Also really into Starfield currently but have it via Gamepass, but read I can do the xbox cloud gaming merhod which 'seems' to work pretty well?
Read rumors about possible new hardware will feel dumb if better model comes out soobish.
The big thing that got me is, we're in a bit of a middle period right now. Most handhelds, even if they are more powerful than the deck aren't much more capable. The deck's software and support are keeping its head above the water of being obsolete. You also can't get those track pads on any other device. The dedication to repairability, hardware and build quality completes the deal.
Also if you're in your mid 30's, this plays everything you ever dreamed of playing when you were 18. Considering most older gamers tend to stick to their roots and multiplayer indie titles, it's ideal.
I mean, my favorite game is TF2 and this thing rocks it so, I've got zero complaints. Play medic, heavy, defensive engy or pyro and you'll do fine without a keyboard and mouse even on the try-hardiest of skial servers.
Yah I am with you, mostly I don't play super intense games anways to your point.
However the 'us older gamers' and 30th hurt a little bit!
I just stepped into the 40s I guess I will go crawl in a hole and die now 🫠😅
Nah, just accept that you lived through the golden era of gaming, woke up to a Nintendo or Super Nintendo eyes wide, and enjoyed Super Mario Bros 3 out of a new package that no zoomer will ever open.
Also, you probably own a house. That's a plus most of the younger generations will never experience.