Memes needs moderators
Memes needs moderators
Let us know in the comments if you’re able to help mod. Requirements:
- You have to be on the instance
- Should have a history of activity here
- Able to enforce the rules, with temp bans or permabans if necessary.
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Albert_Einstein just a question: is moderating any different in lemmy than reddit? like can a moderator power trip here?
2 2 Replyboredtortoise Mod actions are of the shadow type, as in users don't get to know if they're blocked/hidden/etc unless they have a hunch and go check the modlog.
Modlog is more transparent but the former reason makes power tripping / shaping a community to the whims of a mod easy.
I don't know if there're any reporting tools to inform instance admins if a mod is going rogue
4 0 ReplyCyclohexane to add to the other comment, I think mods can still power trip here. Though I think there's one thing protecting from that: the instance admins can reassign the mods. And though it is technically the same as reddit, in reality your instance admins are way more responsive that Reddit admins.
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