I grew up with an older brother who would call things gay in a derogatory way back when we were teenagers and i also picked up the habit even though I had never met a gay person and have never had (and still dont have) any hate for them or anyone regardless of sexual preference or gender identity
I still call things gay tho to this day, usually when something kinda annoying happens (e.g. that was kinda gay when the teacher made us do extra homework)
I'm sure there are people who might feel hurt about that so i filter myself when meeting new people and i generally use it less these days but it happens sometimes
I think it's the kind of thing you don't say in public. If you end up haveing to explain to someone that you're not homophobic, you've already fucked up.
I have a nasty habit of using "removed" to describe things I find unfathomably stupid, but im very careful not to say it around anyone who might take me seriously.
Also, odd choice to post this question in 196. Besides not really being on theme, 196 is very trans positive, and left leaning. Don't be surprised if you get accosted a little bit.
I thought it would be interesting to post this here because i wanted a perspective from people who are closer to or are part of a community that might be offended by this figure of speech