It's 2023 and Apple is a trillion dollar company, and they still don't have window snapping/tiling in OSX. I don't have anything positive to say about their OS lol.
Rectangle Pro for me, 100%. I bought the paid version too as I loved it.
I like my windows organized and macOS has this penchant for chaos. Windoze at least has FancyZones in PowerToys which is chef's kiss perfectly done, and I can't live without it.
I haven't heard of those programs, but BetterTouchTool also adds window snapping and tiling, and let's you create custom keybinds and macros, so you can do completely unheard of stuff like use a normal mouse (gasp!). It sounds like your programs are just different variants of the same thing. Right?
MacOS, or the joy of paying extra for shit that should be included OOTB, especially in an OS that every user profusely advertises as "just works", "intuitive", etc
I feel like the full screen tiling on mac makes up for this. Having used both windows and Mac a lot I think I slightly prefer Mac's way of splitting full screen windows but I see the appeal of both
I had to use MacOS for 2 years after using Windows for 20. The copious amounts of energy suddenly releasing when thousands of dying stars start to explode in unison can't compare to the deep, burning hate I feel for MacOS.
But I know there are people who like or love it. No problem with that. It's just a personal feeling.
You do you, but I just hate MacOS way of tilling. When I'm tilling windows I'm generally multi-tasking and I need my dock to look at a third window from time to time. Having it in full screen renders this impossible and the animation for switching is sooooooooo slooooooow😅
Lol you tile your desktop as much as your kitchen floor? I only tend to need to have three things up at most so Mac optimizes my screen space the best since I have 2 monitors, but I'm not on on the multitasking level of many people here it seems
*I think mac os started supporting tiling of non full screen windows as well according to some other comments so maybe kitchen style would work now
Nothing wrong with that, IMO those features suck and always annoy me when I encounter them by accident. By god I'm going to manually position every fucking window that I use. That keeps them where they should be.
Everything wrong with that lol, also that's just weird. If I want to have two windows side by side, I'm going to want to drag them to simply the edges of the left/right of the screen.