Yumi and the Nightmare Painter by Brandon Sanderson (secret project 3) - it’s obvious by the art direction that there’s a romantic aspect to this and it’s obvious by the book that he enjoys writing this sort of thing for his wife!
Gleanings by Neal Shusterman (Arc of the Scythe 3.5) after finishing the series, this short story collecting fills in gaps that sometimes don’t need to be filled. The main series was a 1-2 punch of a captivating story in a fascinating world. Book 3 did NOT let go.
Harrow the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir is a travel audiobook my partner and I are reading during trips throughout the summer. Stellar series so far and this one is so fun to read together as we have to stop every few minutes to go “did she just say that?” Or “wait, so NOW my theory has to be —-, right? Or is it…”
American Gods by Neil Gaiman I’ve barely started,
And Small gods by Terry Pratchett I’ve barely started and it’s my only non-audiobook of the bunch.