I posted this on the Wednesday Whinge thread yesterday but it still very much applies so I'm going to moan about it again.
I slipped a disc in my spine a couple of weeks ago and my mobility is still limited and the pain is still bad. Our downstairs neighbour doesn’t seem to understand the concept of doorstops and instead he just slams his doors all day over and over again, maybe he’s pissed off at me because I stomped on the floor when he was playing loud music at midnight. On top of that there’s the bloke next door who has one of the most vile sounding smokers coughs I’ve ever heard, gets up for work at 4am and sounds like he’s wretching, lovely to be woken up by that. Plus the whole building constantly stinks of weed from another downstairs neighbour. Oh and we’re on the top floor so it’s been a million degrees. Urgh I can’t wait to not live in a block of flats anymore…but oh wait mortgage rates are fucked so no house for us yet - if ever.
Fwiw, I think these whinge / moan threads really help. I hate this archaic idea that we should just deal with everything and never talk about it. Moaning about shit is healthy, it gives you a small outlet so that you can keep functioning.
Getting things off your chest is a good idea. It brings the mood down sometimes if every thread is a moan, so having a dedicated thread to offload keeps it in one place.
I hope you can get a good heating pad. My back is all messed up, 10+ discs blown, and besides meds my heating pad is a massive help. I’ve found the adjustable ones with timers are a big help.
I hope you feel better, I do you have some noise cancelling headphones since you can’t do anything about the rude neighbors?
Thank you for the advice! I’m so sorry that you have so much trouble with your back, that must be awful. I would definitely use a heating pad if I wasn’t already insufferably hot, lol. If the pain sticks around long-term I will be sure to try it. Main issue at the moment is sciatica.
Yes thankfully I have some Loop earbuds for sleeping, they have been invaluable. I tend to pull them out in a half-asleep state though! I’m sure I will get used to them :)
Yeah, that how I have mine but mostly you don’t want to be in a position to need it imo. Teen me would laugh at me getting tired of being loopy at times. Also the munchies can be a right removed.