Anyone tried to switch from controller to keyboard and mouse (Diablo 4)
I have been using a PS4 controller since a few hours into Diablo 4 - wanted a bit better control/targeting precision for my rogue so I am trying to switch back to keyboard and mouse and it's like I am incapable of adapting.
Keyboard and mouse feels so weird, but I know plenty of people prefer it so it can't just be BAD. Anyone have any suggestions how to make keyboard and mouse a little less awkward? Keybindings maybe?
You know what's weird is I have never used the controller for another game on PC, always stuck with keyboard.
What part feels weird for you? If it’s the mouse side of it you can play other RTS or MOBA games that you don’t have the muscle memory on to start connecting things, if it’s the keyboard you can always remap them to something more comfortable. I remapped my abilities to the home row instead of 1-5 since it’s more comfortable for me and doesn’t mess with my LoL muscle memory.