Anyone tried to switch from controller to keyboard and mouse (Diablo 4)
I have been using a PS4 controller since a few hours into Diablo 4 - wanted a bit better control/targeting precision for my rogue so I am trying to switch back to keyboard and mouse and it's like I am incapable of adapting.
Keyboard and mouse feels so weird, but I know plenty of people prefer it so it can't just be BAD. Anyone have any suggestions how to make keyboard and mouse a little less awkward? Keybindings maybe?
You know what's weird is I have never used the controller for another game on PC, always stuck with keyboard.
I played Diablo 1 for a few sessions many years ago and always assumed keyboard + mouse would be the only way I’d play the games when I finally got round to them, but after playing IV on my Steam Deck I’m having the same difficulty adapting, but I think it’s just because I spend the majority of my play time using a controller. I’m playing all four games simultaneously at the moment:
Ironically, III feels like it might be suited to a controller more than I and II, but I have it on PC and can’t find a good way to use a controller with it.
Either way I’m having a blast finally catching up with this series, I’m not sure what took me so long!