Sorry if this is a dumb question, but how important is using one of the encrypted DNS services from the megathread? I've just been using Google's DNS servers directly on my router, and have yet to have any issues. Have I just been lucky?
Also, 🫡 to dbzer0 for migrating the community to Lemmy!
Have OSes evolved enough that encrypted DNS is available? If so, would someone with enough technical knowledge link a guide on how to set it up within a popular OS?
I imagine that even if you plug in one of the suggested DNS provider IP addresses into your network settings, the OS is still going to make plaintext requests that your ISP can snoop on unless you require it to be encrypted somehow.
You use a local DNS resolver that can handle encrypted DNS and also does ad blocking. pihole-ftl is what I've been using. Then you just set your DHCP server (your router usually) to provide the pihole server as the DNS server.
It caches entries so things you access often will resolve faster than anything you can get online, it supports all of the privacy options you could want and it also has ad blocking lists so you can block ads and trackers at the DNS level.