Your podcast has completely redpilled me....your doing what nobody else is doing because your telling the truth about woke culture and how femicommunism is forcing trans man into woman it a coincidence that degenerate Putin and his boyfriend Xi are gaining in power while these degenerates and cucks destroy everything we know about basic biology and economics? i think not whether intentional or not woke culture if killing America and paving the chicoms way to world domination. a girl is not a boy a boy is a man born as a boy not a woman or a girl thinking hes a lady a boy is a boy and there are two genders and males are boys thats just science. keep up the good work bros. ps FUCK ANY ONE!! WHO SAY’S YOUR A RACEST BECAUSE YOU ARE PROUD TO BE A WHITE PERSON AND YOU LOVE THE WHITE RACE SCREAM IT OUT LOUD AND PROUD WORLD WHIDE WHITE PRIDE!!!! ITS OK TO BE WHITE!!!! FREE UKRAINE AND XJIANG!!!!!
@anarcho-bolshevik: God bless you, Anbol. We're going to continue marching forward.
yea yea u got what this nation needs to redpill ALL millennials and like if even 1/10 of kids today listened to your podcast and started bullying each other more and get over this woke pc culture BULLSHIT we'd be prepared for monkypox 2 and we'd win the war against Russia tomorrow! I was bullied and i turned out great. but like I dont know if you know this but tap water is like 60% soy now which is why I dont even bath can measured it yourself....u can see how this benefits Putin. I dont think its a coincidence because you can see how soying up the youth of today would damage are military....this is why now Putin is why are 8 year olds are fucking each other in class AND is the one putting ball-shrinking vaccines in our pizza AND is the promoting heterosexual anal sex. look []