now that @lemmy is seeing a spike in interest, and @Gargron has said he's interested in building out groups on #mastodon - this seems like the right time to update ActivityPub protocol to support groups natively. anyone looking into this?
lemmy's integration into mastodon is pretty janky right now and can be a lot better!
Lack of [private] groups are one of the things keeping me from spinning up an instance, because the people I'd like to prise away from FB need that.
I know there are options, but the clearest way to having a backup admin is a managed service.
Local-only posts would be spiffy too, but groups should push the bar far enough
@olavf@lemmy@Gargron +1 to private and secret groups. super important to have as there are topics that aren’t appropriate to be discussed publicly so i’m hoping the protocol supports it soon if not already