Good to know. I did see a checkbox for "Is this a bot account" in settings but wasn't aware you could filter them.
I guess with that in mind, that brings different concerns into view for me. I'm wondering what proportion of this wave of bots have checked that option identifying themselves as such? If they're good bots they will of course, but I've also read through posts of instance operators claiming they've gotten thousands of bot signups in hours, which doesn't seem like good bot behavior to me. Are they likely to identify themselves as bots? Even if they did, would it matter? One example off the cuff, I should be able filter bots from my feed and comments as you say, but what's stopping them from upvoting / downvoting a specific group of user's submissions and comments to the top of my hot feed, or upvoting / downvoting by keyword? If that happens en-masse you wouldn't really be able to say that posts and comments are being ranked or discovered organically based on merit. While this sort of thing I suspect happens often elsewhere, it can serve to control the flow of information based on a single or small group of people's will(s).
Considering all of that, I don't think the sky is falling and certainly not hysterical about it yet, it's just concerns about why these accounts were created, and what the creators are planning to do with them if anything.
Edit: Also sorry for the wall of text, I realize you were just trying to give me a solution and I certainly appreciate it.